Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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alternative one of two or more choices.
arid extremely dry, especially from lack of rainfall.
calamity an event causing great harm, pain, or destruction; disaster.
convertible able to be changed.
disgrace loss of respect, honor, or favor; shame.
explanatory serving to clarify or account for.
harass to trouble or bother again and again.
inappropriate not right or proper for the time or place; not appropriate.
livelihood means of earning or getting what is needed to live.
miser a greedy, stingy person who lives in a poor way in order to save money.
obsess to preoccupy the mind or emotions of (someone) excessively or abnormally.
perspective the way things are seen from a particular point of view.
taut tightly drawn, pulled, or stretched; not loose.
threshold the point when something starts to happen.
withdrawn emotionally distant or unresponsive.