Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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both one and the other of two things or people.
code a set of rules or laws.
dirty not clean.
heaven (usually plural) the sky, including the stars, sun, moon, and planets as seen from the earth.
jar a round container with a wide mouth. A jar is often made of glass and has a lid.
outstanding better than most others; excellent.
owe to have to pay; be in debt to someone.
poor without money, possessions, or other basic needs.
post1 a piece of wood, metal, or other material placed upright in the ground to mark or support something.
pretend to imagine or make believe.
seat a chair or other object for sitting on.
service the work of a person who does things for other people.
smoke the black, white, or gray gases that you see in the air when something burns.
snatch to take quickly or suddenly; grab.
victory success in a game or war.