Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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accuse to blame for or charge with a crime or something wrong.
deliver to send or bring to a particular person or place.
enable to give means or power to; make able; allow.
expression the appearance of one's face at a particular moment that communicates how one feels.
illusion a fantasy or mistaken idea.
lash1 a whip or the striking part of a whip.
meddle to take part in matters that concern someone else, without being asked; interfere.
pillar a tall column shaped like a cylinder that is used to support a structure or to serve as a decoration or monument.
quicken to make faster; accelerate.
recover to get back.
rival a person whom one tries to be better than; competitor.
safari an expedition for watching or hunting large animals.
spend to pay out.
strum to play by running the fingers in a light way across the strings.
throb to beat or pulse quickly and strongly.