Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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broker a person whose business is to negotiate buying and selling, especially of stocks or real estate, on another's behalf.
comprise to be made up of; consist of.
convention a formal meeting or gathering where people discuss shared interests.
coordinate to arrange or select things so that they work well together.
divert to turn aside or away from something.
explosive able to cause an explosion.
garrison a military force that is located in a fort, village, or similar place.
heroic noble and courageous.
impact the force of two objects hitting or crashing into each other.
ingredient one of the parts of a mixture.
lengthy tediously long in duration, as a speech.
nevertheless however; still.
opus a work of fine or literary art, especially a musical composition numbered to indicate its chronological place in the composer's works.
phenomenon a happening or fact that can be seen or known through the senses.
radiate to come out in the form of rays or waves.