Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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brusque impolitely abrupt in speech or actions; curt.
capacious able to contain a large amount; roomy.
devotee an eager or serious follower or enthusiast.
interminable endless or seemingly endless; monotonously long.
intolerance inability or unwillingness to accept the existence or validity of opinions, beliefs, customs, and practices different from one's own.
invariable not subject to change; consistently the same.
memoir an account of facts or events based primarily on the author's personal experience.
paradox a statement that contradicts or seems to contradict itself, yet often expresses a truth, such as "Less is more".
philanthropy collective efforts made to do good for others, especially in the form of making monetary donations or engaging in charitable works.
prodigious inspiring wonder and admiration; marvelous.
reverential characterized by a great respect and awe, mingled with love.
transcendental beyond the limits of ordinary experience, thought, or belief; supernatural, visionary, or mystical.
verdant green.
vivacious full of life and spirit; animated.
winsome attractive or charming.