Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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armistice an agreement by groups of people or countries at war to stop fighting; truce.
atrophy a gradual wasting away of a body part, especially from insufficient use or nourishment.
cohesion the state or quality of having parts that are logically ordered or connected into a whole.
conclusive serving to reach a final answer or decision, or to settle.
dirge a song or hymn for a funeral or memorial for the dead.
dissipate to cause to disappear by, or as though by, dispersing or dissolving.
duplicitous deceitful, treacherous, or double-dealing.
fester to become filled with pus; become infected.
nascent coming into being or starting to develop.
panacea a remedy or solution for all diseases, ills, or difficulties; cure-all.
progenitor an ancestor or forebear.
succinct briefly but clearly stated; concise.
terse effectively brief and to the point; concise; pithy.
upshot the most important issue, result, or conclusion.
wheedle to try to persuade or influence by coaxing or flattery; cajole.