Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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abscond to leave suddenly and secretly, especially to avoid observation or capture.
apathy lack of interest or feeling.
connote to suggest or imply (meanings or associations) in addition to the literal meaning.
entity anything that exists objectively and distinctly, whether nonliving or living; thing or being.
evenhanded fair and impartial in the treatment of others; equitable.
gesticulation the act or an instance of using hand movements, as to add emphasis or expressiveness to speech.
infighting conflict or rivalry, often concealed, within an organization or group.
interdependent relying on or needing one another.
lobbyist one who attempts, on behalf of a special interest group, to influence the way legislators vote.
manifold abundant and varied.
parochial narrow or limited in scope or viewpoint; provincial.
premonition an advance sign or warning; forewarning.
scuttle2 to move or run as if in a hurry; scurry.
sheaf a bound bundle of cut grain.
wheedle to try to persuade or influence by coaxing or flattery; cajole.