Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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alternate to take turns (usually followed by "with").
brim the top edge of a hollow object such as a cup; rim.
cinema the art or business of making movies.
clerk a person who does office work, such as keeping records, finding information, filing, and making copies.
custom a way of acting that is usual or accepted for a person or a social group.
excellence the condition of being very good or outstanding.
glitter to shine brightly; sparkle.
labor hard work or effort.
lonesome sad because of being alone.
nibble to eat in small bites.
puff a short, strong burst of breath, air, smoke, or steam.
sabotage secret activity that causes damage to enemy property or causes disturbance to an enemy's operations.
stream a flowing body of water such as a river, creek, or brook.
supportive providing help, assistance, or encouragement.
technical having to do with special skills or techniques.