Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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achievement something achieved through hard work, courage, or skill.
browse to examine things in a slow and casual way.
cruise to travel at the same speed for a while.
dessert a sweet food served at the end of a meal.
enjoyable pleasant; giving joy.
flinch to draw away suddenly in pain or fear.
foe one who wishes ill on another; personal enemy.
idol a statue or image of a god that is used as an object of worship.
instruct to teach; educate; tell.
otherwise in a different manner or other way.
romp to move about or play in a lively manner.
tentacle a long thin body part on the head or around the mouth of some animals. Tentacles are used for feeling or taking hold of things.
tidy neat and in order.
unless except on the condition that.
variety change or difference; diversity.