Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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adept having great skill or ability.
advantageous giving a benefit or advantage; helpful; useful.
aver to assert to be true; affirm.
bivouac a temporary encampment, especially military, without protecting shelter.
dysfunctional of a relationship, family, or social group, not working normally or in a way beneficial to all.
excoriate to denounce or criticize severely.
expeditious prompt and efficient.
imponderable unable to be evaluated or calculated accurately.
intone to recite in musical or lengthened tones, especially in a monotone; chant.
jurisdiction the right or authority to interpret and administer the law.
redundant unnecessarily repetitive.
socialite one who is prominent in fashionable social circles.
spontaneous happening in a free way; not forced.
tutelage the act or function of a teacher, especially one who gives lessons to individuals; instruction; teaching.
unregulated not subject to rules or constraints.