Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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admission the price a person must pay to enter.
artistic showing skill and imagination in creating.
brawl a noisy fight or argument.
corporation a group of people allowed by law to do certain things as if they were one person.
disadvantage a condition or situation that makes it more difficult to succeed.
diversion an act or instance of turning aside.
encrusted covered with a hard or crisp layer of something.
factor something that has an influence on something that happens or is one of the causes of it.
inevitable certain to happen; not able to be avoided.
laden filled with a great weight.
mourn to feel or act very sad because of a death or great loss; grieve.
rebuke to give a sharp reprimand to; criticize.
reevaluate to carefully reconsider the value, worth, or efficacy of; reassess.
tolerant willing to accept or respect what is different in others, especially their beliefs and customs.
verbal having to do with words.