Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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adventure a trip or activity that is dangerous or exciting.
bar a long piece of solid material used to support something, hold something together, or keep something outside or inside.
bury to cover in the ground with dirt.
cousin the son or daughter of an aunt or uncle.
cream the part of whole milk that contains fat. Butter is made from cream.
daytime the time between dawn and evening.
happy feeling glad, pleased, or comfortable.
pool any small still area of liquid that has collected on something.
pupil1 a young person who is taught by a teacher.
quietly with little or no sound.
raise to move to a higher position.
tap1 to hit with little force.
teacher a person whose job is explaining and showing things to students so that they can learn.
tube a long, hollow piece of glass, metal, or rubber used to hold or carry liquids or gases.
watch to look closely or carefully, usually at something that is moving.