Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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blade the part of a knife, scissors, or other tool that cuts.
churn a container in which cream or milk is beaten or shaken to form butter.
counter a long, high table. People sit on stools or stand at a counter to eat, prepare food, or do business.
deal to handle or give your attention to.
drill a tool used to make holes in wood, metal, and other materials.
golden having a shiny, deep yellow color.
magnify to cause to appear larger.
nest a structure of sticks and other material that birds make to hold their eggs.
rib one of the set of bones that curve around the chest of a person or animal.
sorry feeling sad because you have done something wrong or because something bad happened.
spine the set of bones that go down the center of the back of a human or animal.
sunset the moment each day when the sun goes below the western horizon.
tablet a small, flat, round piece of medicine.
tower a tall, narrow building or part of a building that rises high above the ground.
upset to turn something over.