Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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background all of a person's experience, education, and origins.
clatter to make a loud rattling noise.
exchange the act of giving or getting one thing in return for another; trade.
feat an act or achievement that shows courage, strength, or skill.
narrate to tell the tale or give an account of; relate.
parallel lying or moving in the same direction and being the same distance apart at every point. Parallel lines never meet or cross each other.
sabotage secret activity that causes damage to enemy property or causes disturbance to an enemy's operations.
strongly with great certainty or passion.
theme the main subject or topic.
underneath below or beneath; under.
urgent needing immediate action or attention.
visitor one who comes to see someone or something.
volume a collection of pages of writing or print bound together; book.
warmth the condition of being warm; heat.
waste to use or spend in a careless way or for little or no return.