Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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access a way of approaching or coming to a place.
arbitrary resulting from personal opinions, wishes, or feelings instead of from a rule or reason.
await to look forward to, or to stay in one place or condition in order to be ready for (someone or something).
burrow a hole or tunnel dug by certain animals for use as a hiding place or home.
contaminate to make dirty, polluted, or not usable by touching or by adding something to.
contrite feeling deep guilt for one's wrongdoing or shortcoming and desiring to make amends for it; remorseful; repentant.
coup a brilliant and successful action or maneuver.
delinquent neglectful of a duty or guilty of an offense or violation of the law.
downplay to dismiss the significance of; minimize.
equate to make or consider to be equal or equivalent.
explosive able to cause an explosion.
exquisite very beautiful; made in a lovely or delicate way.
garland a wreath, chain, or string worn for celebration or decoration. Garlands are made of flowers, leaves, or vines.
hierarchical organized by rank or level.
refund to return or pay back.