Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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concern to have to do with; be about; affect.
contact the touching of two things or people.
delirious confused from a fever or other cause.
dreary gloomy, sad, or dull.
fabric cloth that is woven or knitted; material.
governor a person who leads a state of the United States or some other political unit.
investigate to look into carefully and closely so as to learn the facts; examine.
molten made liquid by very high heat.
multiplication the act or process of increasing rapidly in number.
occurrence an event that takes place; incident.
pare to cut off the outside layer or ends from.
prevention the act or process of keeping something unwanted or dangerous from happening.
reliability the quality of being dependable.
ridiculous silly; foolish; laughable.
spade1 a tool shaped like a shovel and used for digging. A spade has a long handle and a flat blade that can be pushed into the ground with a foot.