Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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abridgment the process or an instance of making shorter or condensing.
affectation falseness or superficiality of appearance or behavior; pretense.
censorious highly critical or disapproving.
dapple to mark or be marked with spots or mottling.
deprave to change for the worse, especially morally; corrupt; pervert.
erroneous containing or based on a mistake; incorrect.
filial of, concerning, or befitting a daughter or son.
impede to slow or block the movement or progress of; hinder.
intermittent alternately stopping and starting with pauses in between.
natty (informal) neat, well-groomed, and smartly dressed; dapper.
parry to deflect or knock aside (a blow or stroke), as with one's weapon in fencing.
patronage the financial or other support given to a business establishment by its customers or clients.
pilfer to steal, especially trifling amounts or things of small value.
satirical containing or marked by the use of parody or irony to ridicule or denounce human corruptness or folly.
unchallenged not or not having been questioned, disputed, or contested.