Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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assembly a group of people gathered together, usually for a specific purpose.
behalf support; aid (used with "in" or "on" and followed by "of").
bizarre strikingly odd or unusual, especially in appearance or behavior.
bosom the front part of a human being's chest, especially that of a woman.
clinical of or related to direct observation and treatment of patients, as opposed to theory or laboratory research.
excessive more than is needed or considered fair; not reasonable.
justify to show to be true or right; prove.
mastery the full grasp of a subject or skill.
obligation something that someone should or should not do because of a law or moral principle.
opera a play in which all or most of the words are sung and the music is played by an orchestra.
peerless having no equal; unmatched in excellence.
preen to dress and groom oneself with great care and satisfaction; primp.
resent to feel anger or bitterness about or toward, especially when something is seen to be unfair.
resolve to decide firmly and sincerely to do something or that something shall be done.
vacate to make vacant or unoccupied by leaving.