Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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dais a raised platform for speakers or the seating of special guests.
degenerate to decline from an original or former condition; change for the worse in nature or quality; deteriorate.
disband of an organized group, to break up or disperse.
enormity the quality of surpassing moral limits; offensive or disgraceful character.
finite limited in number, quantity, or duration; capable of being measured. (Cf. infinite.)
fulcrum that which other things are contingent upon or built around; a pivotal point or agent.
hiatus a gap or break in activity, time, or space; interruption.
increment a rise or addition in number or value, often small.
metabolism the processes in plants and animals by which food is changed into energy or used to make cells and tissues.
nonpartisan not influenced or determined by the policies or interests of a political party.
outmoded no longer in keeping with current standards or practices; obsolete.
premeditate to consider, plan, or arrange in advance.
reinstate to put back into a former position, condition, or state of effectiveness.
surmise to infer without certain knowledge; suppose; guess.
vantage a position or situation that offers a broad or especially good view, comprehension, or the like.