Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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cosmopolitan of, drawn from, or common to all the world or all the peoples of the world.
dovetail to fit together precisely or harmoniously.
entourage a group of people who accompany another person as attendants or associates; retinue.
exalt to honor or glorify.
facet one of the small, flat, polished surfaces of a cut gem.
flagrant exceptionally or glaringly noticeable.
integral being an essential part of the whole.
mien one's manner or bearing.
penance an act of punishment or self-discipline voluntarily undergone to show regret at having done something wrong.
precipice a steep cliff.
pretext a false reason or claim put forward to mask one's true motive or aim.
probity proven trustworthiness; honesty; integrity.
referendum the submission of a legislative measure to a vote by the general public, or the vote thus taken.
unintelligible not able to be understood, as spoken or written language.
whimsical characterized by or resulting from a sudden desire or fancy.