Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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cogent convincing, or compelling by virtue of a strong argument or clear presentation.
contentious inclined to argue; quarrelsome; belligerent.
grandiloquent speaking or expressed in a pretentious, pompous, or excessively ornate fashion.
hysteria in an individual or group, an uncontrollable outburst of fear or other emotions, producing fits of weeping, laughter, irrational behavior, or the like.
materialize to become fact; be realized.
medley a musical piece that uses the melodies from several different pieces of music.
misguide to misdirect or lead astray.
perceptual of, relating to, or involving perception.
plaintive showing or expressing sadness or sorrow.
populace the people who live in a particular place.
prudent showing good judgment and caution; sensible.
rudimentary of or pertaining to the basic or first principles; elementary.
subpoena in law, a formal written order summoning a witness to give testimony or requiring that specified evidence be submitted.
tertiary third in order, rank, importance, degree, or the like.