Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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alternate to take turns (usually followed by "with").
browse to examine things in a slow and casual way.
digital showing information by a row of numerical digits rather than by numbers on a dial.
dome a rounded roof or ceiling on a room or building.
flexible easily bent without breaking.
frail weak or sickly.
jeopardy danger of harm, death, or loss; at risk.
militia a group of trained citizens who are not soldiers but can serve as members of the military in an emergency.
neither not one or the other of two (usually paired with "nor" in a sentence).
personal relating to or belonging to a particular person, and often not for other people to share or see.
primary main; chief.
relic something that has survived from the past, such as an object or a custom.
wardrobe a collection of clothes or costumes that is the property of one person or of a theater.
whimper to cry in weak, broken sounds.
worry to feel anxious, troubled, or uneasy.