Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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clatter to make a loud rattling noise.
confess to admit as true.
congratulate to praise and express pleasure at the achievement or good luck of.
corps a branch of the military that does a special kind of work.
deafen to cause the loss of hearing or make unable to hear.
error a mistake in thought or action; something that is wrong.
homeless having no place indoors to live.
nab (informal) to catch or seize; arrest.
naked wearing no clothing; bare.
ooze to leak out slowly. Liquids, gases, and sounds may ooze.
peddle to offer for sale on the street or from door to door.
ransom the payment demanded in return for setting a kidnapped person free, or the act of setting someone free by paying the price demanded.
recovery the act of getting back something that had been lost or stolen.
release to set free.
snout the front part of an animal's head that sticks out. The snout includes the nose, mouth, and jaws.