Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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abut to adjoin or press against; be next to; border on.
antediluvian hopelessly old-fashioned; primitive; outdated.
deracinate to pull up by or as if by the roots; uproot; isolate; exile.
desideratum something that is needed or wanted.
ensconce to position (oneself) firmly or comfortably.
extrude to force out; expel.
forbear to keep or abstain from (an action or utterance).
halcyon tranquil; peaceful; calm.
incumbent currently holding an office or position.
internecine of or pertaining to conflict, discord, or struggle within a group.
perquisite a payment or benefit in addition to the wages or salary associated with a position.
recrudesce to become active again or break out anew, as a disease or harmful condition.
seminal of critical importance; essential.
surcingle a girth or belt that wraps around the body of a horse to secure a saddle, pack, or the like to its back.
vitiate to harm the quality of; mar; spoil.