Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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acknowledge to admit the truth or existence of.
angular having a bony structure, as a person's body.
consolidation the act of combining into a whole or mass; unification.
delve to make a careful, thoroughgoing search, as for information.
disclosure the act or process of making known, uncovering, or exposing.
divert to turn aside or away from something.
dynamics (used with a plural verb) the driving forces at work in any given system or situation.
foster to aid and encourage the growth or development of.
intimate very warm, friendly, or close.
literary having to do with poems, novels, plays, and essays, or those who write or read them.
probation a period of time for testing a person's ability, character, or behavior.
ransack to search through thoroughly, especially for items to steal; plunder.
relentless without mercy or compassion; unyielding or stern.
sector an identifiable segment or part of a landscape, area, society, political system, or the like.
spectacle an unusual or splendid sight or public show.