Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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bankruptcy the legal inability to pay debts.
complementary acting or serving to complete; completing.
concentration close attention; focused mental energy.
cosmos the universe considered as a whole.
crease a fold or dent made by heat or pressure.
displace to force out of a home territory or particular place.
document a written or printed paper that gives factual information or proof of something. Birth certificates, marriage licenses, and passports are kinds of documents.
embark to board a ship when beginning a trip.
feint a false movement that is meant to trick an opponent by taking attention away from the real target.
innovate to propose or implement a new method, approach, idea, or the like; make inventive changes.
jubilee a particularly celebrated anniversary, such as the fiftieth, or the celebration itself.
political having to do with the study or practice of government and its policies.
sincere genuine, true, and not pretended.
suspicion the act or an instance of not believing or doubting.
unoriginal not new or inventive; derived or copied from something else.