Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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admonish to warn or caution.
agility the ability to move or think easily and quickly.
articulate able to speak or express oneself in a clear way.
bucolic of or suggesting the countryside or a rustic style of life, especially one that is quiet and pleasant.
deprave to change for the worse, especially morally; corrupt; pervert.
dispensary a room in an institution, such as a hospital, in which medical supplies are kept and given out.
erudition a high level of scholarly knowledge; learnedness.
euphony a pleasing, harmonious quality of sounds, especially words.
exemplary deserving to be imitated or followed; highly commendable.
laudable worthy of praise.
openhanded tending to give to others; generous.
oracular of, like, pertaining to, of having the nature of divine wisdom; prophetic; wise.
pillage to openly and forcefully seize goods from, as during a war; plunder.
regale to entertain or delight, as with humorous tales.
sophomoric displaying intellectual pretentiousness or proud confidence about one's knowledge when actually poorly informed or immature.