Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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abscess a sore that forms within the tissues of the body and is filled with pus. Abscesses can be caused by an infection.
asset something useful or valuable.
cope to handle or deal with in a successful way (often followed by "with").
crypt a burial chamber or underground vault, especially one beneath a church.
cumbersome difficult to hold or carry because of size, shape, or weight.
domestic of or related to the home or family.
enthusiastic having or showing great interest.
formerly in the past; in a time before now.
penalty a punishment given for breaking a law, rule, or agreement.
prior happening earlier in time or sequence.
probe an instrument or tool used to explore the shape, condition, or depth of something that cannot be seen directly.
resort a place where people go to relax and have fun while on vacation.
stellar brilliant; outstanding.
torrent a heavy flow of water with a strong current, such as a rushing stream, a flood, or a heavy rainfall.
tranquillity the condition or quality of being peaceful, untroubled, or calm; serenity.