Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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abrade to rub away by friction; erode.
carnage the mass killing of people; slaughter.
confection a sweetened candy or fruit.
decorous proper or formal with respect to behavior, manners, appearance, or the like.
emboss to decorate the surface of with a raised design.
expatriate one who has gone into exile from or renounced allegiance to his or her native land.
foreshadow to signal or indicate beforehand; presage; prefigure.
fusion the act of fusing or joining together.
indiscretion lack of judgment, prudence, or restraint, especially in regard to the rights or feelings of other people.
knave an unscrupulous person; evildoer.
languish to lose strength or energy; weaken.
nominal in name alone.
profundity that which involves great insight or intellectual depth.
rectify to put right or correct (a bad situation, injustice, or the like); remedy.
tangent a line of discussion leading away from the original topic; digression.