Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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benefactor one who helps or brings good to an individual or an institution, usually by giving money.
conflagration a large, damaging fire.
discrepancy lack of agreement; difference; inconsistency.
evanescent tending to disappear like vapor; vanishing; fleeting.
imperceptible so gradual or subtle as to be unnoticed or unnoticeable.
incarnate having bodily form; personified.
intrinsic being essential to or of the nature of a thing; inherent.
mediate to act as an intermediary in (a dispute) or bring about (an agreement).
miscreant evil or malevolent; villainous.
piteous worthy of or inspiring great sympathy.
sanctify to make sacred or holy; consecrate.
soliloquy an act of talking or a speech by one who is, or is considered to be, alone.
tenacious holding on or tending to hold on strongly or persistently (sometimes followed by "of").
vantage a position or situation that offers a broad or especially good view, comprehension, or the like.
wan very pale.