Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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argot the vocabulary or jargon characteristic of a specific group or class, especially of criminals.
beatify to admire or exalt as superior.
Byzantine characterized by complexity and intrigue.
delectation enjoyment; delight; pleasure.
deposition a sworn statement, usually in writing, for use as testimony by an absent witness in a court of law.
derelict failing to fulfill one's responsibilities or obligations; remiss.
devolve of a duty or the like, to be passed on to someone else.
extralegal not regulated or permitted by law; outside of legal authority.
halcyon tranquil; peaceful; calm.
harrow to go over or break up with a harrow.
impute to ascribe or attribute to a source or cause.
reconnaissance the act or process of examining an area, especially to gain militarily useful information.
regicide the murderer of a king.
sequester to remove into protection and isolation; seclude.
welter to roll about or wallow, as in mud or the open sea.