Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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beauty the quality of being pleasant to see, hear, or feel.
campfire an outdoor fire used for cooking or warmth while camping.
careful paying close attention to what one is doing; cautious.
cheap having a low price.
delicious having a pleasing taste or smell.
hire to give a job to.
jealous feeling angry or sad when you want what another person has.
mysterious not known and not able to be explained.
quiet making little or no noise.
rough not smooth.
search to try to find something by looking with care.
split a division between two or more people.
tack a short pin with a flat, wide head.
tag a piece of thick paper, thin metal, or plastic that gives information and is attached to something.
wing a part of the body of some animals that they use for flying. Insects and birds have wings.