Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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assignment something given as a task, such as a job or lesson.
bench a long seat, often made of wood and without a back.
birthday the day on which a person was born, usually celebrated each year on that date.
bottom the lowest or deepest part of something.
drown to die under water because of lack of air.
fear a strong feeling you get when you expect danger or pain.
grass a short green plant with narrow pointed leaves that usually covers fields and yards.
pat1 a light tap or stroke with the open hand or a flat object.
poster a sign made of paper or cardboard that is used for advertising, displaying information, or for decoration.
punch1 a hard, quick hit with the closed hand.
raise to move to a higher position.
sew to make or repair with a needle and thread.
sweat to give off a liquid through the skin.
textbook a book used for teaching a particular subject.
trim to make neat by cutting away some parts.