Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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amenable willing to respond, agree, or submit; agreeable; pliable.
demean1 to lower in esteem, stature, or dignity; degrade.
incontrovertible not able to be questioned or disputed.
inexplicable unable to be explained or interpreted.
maturation the act or process of becoming fully grown or developed, in structure, behavior, or the like.
psyche the mental makeup of a person or group.
ramify to have or produce effects or consequences that make some original matter more complex.
reconstitute to put together or form again.
redouble to make twice as great; renew more vigorously; intensify.
resplendent full of splendor; radiant; shining.
sanctify to make sacred or holy; consecrate.
tangent a line of discussion leading away from the original topic; digression.
temperamental changeable as to mood, nature, operability, or the like; unpredictable.
transmute to change into another form, substance, state, or the like.
vestige a visible trace or sign of something no longer present or existing.