Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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ambidextrous able to use both the left and right hands with equal skill.
asceticism self-discipline and self-denial as a means of spiritual improvement.
crass lacking in sensitivity or refinement; crude.
demulcent an oily or sticky substance used especially to soothe irritation in mucous membranes.
deterge to cleanse, wash, or wipe off.
extenuate to reduce the magnitude or seriousness of (a fault or offense) by offering partial excuses.
gird to surround, bind, or encircle, as with a belt.
hagiography an admiring and uncritical biography of anyone.
inadvertent not planned or intended; unintentional.
indurate to make hard in texture; harden.
lapidary an expert on or dealer in gemstones.
laudatory expressing praise.
libertine acting without restraint; dissolute; amoral.
loll to hang down loosely; dangle.
recurve to bend or curve back or backward, as the ends of certain shooting bows.