Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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disability something that makes a person unable to do certain things that most people can do.
discovery the act of finding or seeing something before anyone else.
expect to hope for or look forward to.
gloom lack of light; darkness.
method a way of doing something.
panel a section of a door, wall, or other surface that is set apart from the area around it by being raised, sunken, or decorated.
permit to allow (someone or something) to go into or be in a place.
pluck to grab with the fingers and pull off; pick.
requirement something that is needed or necessary.
restore to bring back into use or existence.
satisfaction a pleasant feeling that comes from completing something and doing it well.
straggle to stray from or drop behind a group.
transparent letting light pass through and giving a clear view of objects on the other side.
trickle to fall or flow in drops or in a thin, weak stream.
workout a period or program of physical exercise.