Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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acknowledgment the act of acknowledging.
administrator a person who manages, especially in business or public affairs.
aroma a pleasant smell; fragrance.
buoy a float attached by line to the bottom of a body of water to mark a location.
deploy to move, position, or distribute so as to make ready or effective for a particular purpose.
dilemma a situation that requires a choice between two actions, neither of which will be a good solution.
disciple one who follows a leader or teacher; pupil.
foremost first or most important; leading.
gale a strong wind of about thirty to sixty miles per hour.
genealogy a chart or record showing the ancestors and lines of hereditary descent of a person or group; family tree.
navigate to plan, manage, or control the course of (a ship, aircraft, or the like).
principle a basic law or truth on which action or behavior is based.
qualification something that makes a person fit for an activity or job.
standardize to cause to conform to a model or rules.
tedious long and boring; dull; wearisome.