Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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aloft high above the ground.
evoke to call forth or bring out (an image, memory, response, or the like) in the mind or in action.
fabricate to construct or create.
gibe a mocking or derisive comment.
interloper a person who intrudes in the affairs of others; meddler.
malady an illness of the body or mind.
opportune favorable or suitable, especially in relation to time.
perjury the crime of telling a lie in a court after promising under oath to tell the truth.
persevere to continue steadfastly in a task or course of action or hold steadfastly to a belief or commitment, especially when met with opposition or difficulties; persist.
redress compensation or reparation; amends.
retard to cause (growth, development, or the like) to be slow or incomplete; stunt.
tithe an amount of money, produce, or goods equal in value to a tenth of one's income, given or paid as a contribution or tax, especially to a church.
transcendental beyond the limits of ordinary experience, thought, or belief; supernatural, visionary, or mystical.
transitory lasting for only a short time; brief.
vicarious experienced through imagined participation in someone else's actions, sufferings, or the like.