Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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abstruse difficult to comprehend or understand; esoteric; arcane.
advert to direct the attention by comment or remark.
antediluvian hopelessly old-fashioned; primitive; outdated.
attenuate to cause to be thin, rarefied, or fine.
bilge the rounded part of a ship's hull between the bottom and the sides.
conduction the transmission or transfer, as of heat, electrical charges, or nervous impulses, through a medium.
effrontery shameless impudence; insolence.
exceptionable likely to be objected to; objectionable.
expiation the act or the means of making amends, as for a sin or crime.
indurate to make hard in texture; harden.
knurled having small ridges.
misfeasance a normally lawful act performed in an unlawful way.
neophyte a beginner or novice at any activity.
requite to retaliate for; strike back on account of.
unadulterated unmixed with or undiluted by additives or extraneous elements; pure; complete.