Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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banish to cast out of a country by official action.
convey to carry from one place or person to another.
crumple to press or crush and cause wrinkles.
decision the act or result of making up one's mind.
dial a disk that has numbers and a moving pointer that shows time, weight, speed, or some other measure.
distract to draw away the attention of.
earnings money received as pay; wages.
environment the things and conditions that are all around one.
existence the condition of being alive or real.
italicize to print in italic type.
miniature A miniature is something that is exactly like something else but much smaller in size.
puff a short, strong burst of breath, air, smoke, or steam.
rouse to waken from sleep or a state similar to sleep.
wail to make a long, loud cry out of sadness or pain.
waste to use or spend in a careless way or for little or no return.