Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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absurd not at all logical; impossible to be true; ridiculous.
calculate to find out by using arithmetic; compute.
continuation an extension.
equitable characterized by fairness; just.
exposure the act or process of exposing.
gale a strong wind of about thirty to sixty miles per hour.
glower to look or stare with sullenness, anger, or animosity; scowl.
haughty proud in a way that shows a low opinion of others; thinking of others as beneath oneself.
indication anything that indicates, such as a sign.
intellectual of or having to do with the intellect.
mutual felt, said, or done by each for the other; shared by two or more people; given and received.
persuasion the act of convincing someone to believe something or do something.
radiation the waves of energy sent out by sources of heat or light, or by radioactive material.
repent1 to be sorry or feel remorse for sins or transgressions; be penitent.
squander to spend or expend (money, time, or effort) wastefully.