Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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accord agreement; harmony.
char1 to cook or burn so that the surface is blackened; scorch.
cleanse to make clean; remove dirt from.
disposition a person's usual mood or attitude.
exterior on or having to do with the outside; outer.
foremost first or most important; leading.
institutional of, relating to, or resembling an institution or institutions.
intention a decided course of action; plan.
knack a natural talent for something.
productivity the capacity for manufacturing things or doing any work that yields measurable results.
salvage the act of saving property from destruction.
subscribe to agree to pay for a certain number of issues of a publication such as a magazine.
transient brief in duration; temporary.
turbulent marked by episodes of unrest, turmoil, violence, or the like.
utilize to put to a particular use; use.