Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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animate to bring to life.
approximation an estimate; guess.
assumption something that is supposed or believed without questioning. For example, if you ask someone whether she is allowed to watch TV during dinner, you have made an assumption that there is a TV in her house. Assumptions are ideas people have that are not based on proven facts. An assumption can be correct or incorrect.
authoritative accepted as correct and true; reliable as a source of information because said or written by an expert or authority.
closure an ending or concluding.
extract a strong, concentrated form of a substance.
intercept to stop or take hold of; interrupt the movement or progress of.
mortality the quality or state of being destined to die.
outsider a person who does not belong to a particular group.
persuasion the act of convincing someone to believe something or do something.
reactive characterized by reaction or response to a stimulus; tending to react.
relentless without mercy or compassion; unyielding or stern.
sniper a soldier who shoots at enemy troops from a concealed position.
undiscovered not yet found or known to exist.
violate to break or fail to keep.