Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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adore to love and admire very strongly.
alternate to take turns (usually followed by "with").
bewitch to enchant or cast a spell over with magic or as if with magic.
clutter to fill or litter with a messy collection of things.
droop to hang or sink down; bend in a limp manner.
fang a long, pointed tooth. Some animals use their fangs to hold and tear prey. Some snakes have hollow fangs through which they inject poison.
loyal showing devotion and faithfulness to someone or something.
noose a loop that passes through a knot in the end of a rope or other line. When the rope is pulled, the loop becomes smaller.
novel2 new and unusual.
overdue not paid, delivered, or returned by the expected date.
prevent to keep or stop from happening.
recite to speak the words of from memory and in front of others.
site the location or proposed location of a town, city, building, or event.
slush snow that is partly melted.
truth agreement with the facts or what is real.