Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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chasten to awaken conscience or bring about moral improvement through suffering, discipline, or punishment.
denude to strip bare; remove covering from.
empirical based on or verifiable by experience or experiment, rather than on or by theory.
gusto vigorous or hearty enjoyment or appreciation.
inaccessible hard or impossible to reach, approach, or attain.
indelible incapable of being removed or obliterated; permanent.
intrusion the act of entering or thrusting oneself in when not invited or welcomed.
noteworthy deserving attention; remarkable.
propound to propose or set forth for consideration.
raucous loud, sharp, and rasping, as, at times, a bird's call or a human's voice or laugh.
reproof an act or statement of disapproval.
secular of or concerning the world and material concerns as opposed to religious or spiritual concerns; temporal.
sprightly lively, spirited, or energetic.
unconscionable not restrained or guided by a concern for what is right and just; unprincipled.
wean to cause to be free of a habit, activity, or the like, often by means of a distraction or substitute.