Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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attest to show or prove the truth of.
collaborative characterized by or resulting from the activity of people or organizations working together for a common purpose.
criticism the act of judging what is good or bad in something.
document a written or printed paper that gives factual information or proof of something. Birth certificates, marriage licenses, and passports are kinds of documents.
engineer one who is trained in the use or design of machines or systems.
fabulous almost impossible to believe; amazing.
integrated allowing or having members of equal standing from different ethnic, racial, and religious groups.
lengthy tediously long in duration, as a speech.
literate able to read and write.
prominent easy to see or notice because of some difference.
radiate to come out in the form of rays or waves.
regime a system of rule or government.
substantial considerable; ample.
uncertainty the condition or quality of being unsure or doubtful.
verge the border or edge of something.