Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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blouse a loose shirt for women.
carpenter a person who builds or repairs houses and other things made of wood.
cottage a small house.
danger a chance or likelihood that something bad or harmful may happen; peril; risk.
fold to bend something so that one part lies on top of another part.
hero a person who has courage and who is a model for others.
hint a sign or suggestion that is not made in a direct way.
holiday a day to remember or celebrate something. Many businesses close and people do not go to school or work on a holiday.
horrible causing a feeling of fear or horror.
less to a smaller degree or amount.
rib one of the set of bones that curve around the chest of a person or animal.
sad not happy.
section a part that is different or apart from the whole.
steeple a tall, narrow tower on top of a building. A steeple often has a pointed spire.
step each single movement of your foot as you walk.