Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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agnostic one who believes it is impossible to know anything about the existence or nonexistence of God or about the essential nature of things beyond the material universe.
amenity (plural) social courtesies; agreeable manners; pleasantries.
codicil an addition or appendix, especially one modifying the terms of a will.
digress to stray from the main topic; ramble.
disproportionate having too much of one thing in relation to something else; unbalanced.
edict an order or decree proclaimed by a ruler or other of high authority.
energize to inspire, make active, or enliven.
exuberant vigorously enthusiastic or happy; high-spirited.
felicity an instance or condition of great happiness; bliss.
impregnable1 able to withstand any attack, as a fortress.
meticulous very careful or precise.
piety worshipful devotion to and veneration of God or family.
precipice a steep cliff.
rectitude moral or ethical propriety; uprightness.
tussle to fight or struggle roughly or energetically; scuffle.