Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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allegory in art or literature, the use of concrete characters, events, or things, to represent abstract qualities or ideas, often to make a point about good and evil.
disparage to depreciate or belittle, especially in speech.
imperil to put at risk; endanger.
incur to become liable for or bring upon oneself (usually some unwanted or harmful consequence).
lechery excessive or vulgar interest in sex; prurience.
litigious inclined to bring lawsuits.
nullify to cause to have no value or consequence.
odium hatred, strong dislike, or repugnance.
rediscover to begin experiencing again; find again; regain.
refute to demonstrate the falseness or error of; disprove.
sprightly lively, spirited, or energetic.
stipend any periodic payment of money, such as a salary or allowance.
tenable able to be upheld, affirmed, supported, or defended; logical.
veer to change direction; turn quickly.
veneer a superficial outward appearance or show.