Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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barricade a structure that is put up quickly for protection or to block the way.
chronic tending to a certain behavior or illness over a long time or without stopping.
commendation something, especially an award, that confers honor or distinction.
continuous going on without pausing or stopping; not broken.
disadvantage a condition or situation that makes it more difficult to succeed.
diverse of different kinds or sorts.
grovel to be or move about in a bowed or prostrate position, as with fear or humility; cower; cringe.
inattention lack of attentiveness; neglect.
inconvenient causing trouble or extra effort; not convenient.
ingredient one of the parts of a mixture.
obstruction something that blocks the way or prevents progress.
occasional happening now and then or not too often.
prestige importance in the eyes of other people because of doing great things, being in high position, or having wealth.
romance a love relationship, either in life or in literature or film.
spectrum a band of colors that is formed when light is passed through a prism, or in some other way. The six colors of a spectrum are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.